To our family, friends and valued customers….
It breaks our hearts to cancel our annual Fall Harvest Festival at Mama’s Garden this year. We are sad we cannot celebrate like we have in years past. There many different reasons for our decision which most revolve around Covid-19. We hope you understand.
Fortunately, we will still offer our farm as a place to honor fall and the harvest! We realize this has been a fun family tradition for many, and we would like to be able to provide you the opportunity to enjoy the beginning of Autumn with us! We invite you to please come and visit our farm stand, as we will have various fall decor available for you that is grown right in the heart of the South Fork Valley. Our selection includes, but is not limited to; carving pumpkins, pie pumpkins, cornstalks, gourds, wheat bundles and winter squash plus all those fun fall comfort foods! The stand will be set up as an honor system as always. We hope you come out and enjoy the scenery of our valley and have little tradition still. Please watch our social media accounts and website for when we are ready to provide all of the above! Thank you for being part of our little farm! If you have any questions please feel free to email us at mamasgarden3@gmail.com
The Mama’s
Kim, Renee and Kelly